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11:24 a.m. - 2005-07-15
I'll converse with your converse because i still can't quite look you in the eye
You're a mess and a beautiful one at that, but who's to say that's good or bad, really. Extremes are overiding each other and children who would normally be dancing are stomping their feet. I call it noise. They call it interpretative dancing. neither of us are right. It's just stomping. We get in line and look for stars, but they aren't welcome here. The stars only come out when it's dark and with some many happy souls running about, there's too much light radiating from them. They're your stars. And if you're making them all angry, look to a friend and if they're smiling, then don't pay attention to the little things because there is kindness somewhere and because someone always cares. There's no talking my way out of this one. I can't explain it and if I could, I probably wouldn't. The treetops are better left unseen and only dreamed about.

Sunflowers.Sunflowers.Sunflowers. And that's why I'm telling you to smile.

"I appreciate your help, but even you can't save me from myself."

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